Social Activities

Social attendees and two special friends at Palm Coast, FL.
At registration hospitality on arrival day members reconnect with each other, officers, and staff. A final schedule of events, pairings and tee times, and other information is provided in participant's kits.
Most evenings following tournament play there is a cocktail party hosted by Southern Seniors. The day‘s results are posted and everyone has the opportunity to visit with friends and guests.
A reception and Welcome Dinner for new members attending their first event is held on the arrival night. Newcomers are recognized and welcomed by their sponsors and Southern Seniors leaders.
Dress most nights is business casual, sport coat and collared shirt or turtleneck. Ties are worn at the final evening banquet.
At some locations a group lunch or casual dinner is also planned, typically following the first day of tournament play. There is always a final night banquet with seating assignments coordinated by Southern Seniors. Directors wear the Southern Seniors crest and Eagle Society members wear green jackets. The Annual Championship banquet features a special program.
Typically more than half of the ladies at Southern Seniors events are social attendees and do not play in the tournament. The resorts we visit offer varied amenities including spa, tennis, and other recreation. A coffee or breakfast is hosted most days by officers‘ wives. We plan at least one group outing usually including lunch. It might be a museum visit or lecture, escorted tour, or an historical or other educational program.